After 11 years of masturbation, 5 years of sex, I got my 1st g spot orgasm

Hannah • Fur mamma. Heathen.

Wow! I've spent so long in my relationship dwelling and feeling guilty that I can't cum with sex alone. My SO can get me off with my clit easily, but I always felt I was missing out on something special. I used to spend almost an hour masturbating trying to get my g spot with no sucess. I gave up for about a year and today, I randomly decided to give it a go and it happened within minutes.

So here's some tips if you're anything like me and are anxiously awaiting the special G spot orgasm:

1)Stop taking advice from others! (Contradicting here, I know. But hear me out). Everyone's body is different. Everyone's g spot is in a different position. Some low, some high. All those years I was trying, I was stimulating the uppermost part of my vagina because I was told that's where it is. Guess what ladies? Mine is super low, practically at the opening.

2)Get to know your body. Some people say to always masturbate 1st, but I know many women who leave it to their partner and their partners are able to find their g spot better. Masturbating worked for me because I know what feels best and I was able to relax and get comfy more easily alone. Try to find where that good spot is (But beware because there are many spots that feel good!). Also get familiar with your cervix. Is it low or high? This could be a great indicator of where your g spot will be?

3)Do pelvic floor exercises. Kegals don't work unless you're using weights. But for something easier and good for your butt😉, Google pelvic floor squats and start doing them everyday. I can't tell you how much this helped me. This strengthens your pelvic floor muscles giving you more control when it comes to...cumming. (Hint: tell your man to do them too because his control means he can last way longer)

4) RELAX. Easier said than done right? For me, what worked wasn't going in to masturbate with the intention of hitting my g spot, but going into it relaxed thinking "might as well give it a go" instead of "I must find my g spot today!"

All in all know that our bodies are different and your g spot is unique to you. Fingers, vibrator, dildo, penis, masturbation, sex, depth, angle, etc. It all depends on who you are! And if you're not getting there, don't sweat it. For me, I realized that I like clitoral orgasms better anyways.

If you've had a g spot orgasm, how did you get there? And do you prefer it over clitoral? If you haven't had one, what do you think is stopping you?