Another breastfeeding post


I'm so fed up with my mother in law being here. Her help is wonderful but she is making me doubt myself. We have been breastfeeding since day one. My son may have had 10 bottles of pumped milk in his 6.5 weeks he's been here. Well as time goes by I can't pump but maybe half an oz out of each breast and my MIL is freaking out but here's the LO has had 3 dirty diapers and 7 wet diapers and its only 250pm. His skin has great color and he is happy and alert 75% of the day, he smiles, laughs and coos. He is growing, but I don't know his weight because his last checkup was his 2 week and he doesn't have one for 2 weeks.

Does anyone havze an article or something I can show her to prove just because I can't pump doesn't mean he's not getting enough? Honestly I couldn't care less about pumping because I'm with him all the time, she just wants to be able to watch him so I can do things on my own, feed him a bottle when we go shopping etc...