just need to vent

Sorry to vent but I'm just annoyed. I was suppose to have my 20 week scan yesterday afternoon but due to our blizzard I had to cancel and canceled Monday when I knew we were definitely getting hit with it. Finally heard back today to reschedule and they are squeezing me in tomorrow. If I couldn't it would be another two weeks. It's through the perinatologist and as high risk she wanted to see me every two weeks for a cervix check. So needless to say I didn't have an option and had to take it. I'm married to a cop so I'm used to doing everything on my own. Whether it's with our two boys or dealing with household stuff on my own. He didn't make it to any apt last pregnancy and hasn't gone yet to any. I need to have ultrasounds done every time I go so whatever. Plus he's a cop and I married into a shitty work schedule. So it Didn't really bother me he hasn't gone. But tomorrow is the full anatomy scan and he said he can't get out of his training a little early to meet me. Told me to send him pics. So now I'm upset. Once again it's another pregnancy I'm doing it all on my own. I hate to say it but I even get jealous when I see so many husbands or SO so involved with pregnancies and show up to so many apts. even when my brother inlaw was very involved when my sister was pregnant. Of course I was happy he was but jealous that I don't have that. I guess it's also frustrating when the other guys on the force take time off to be with their wives for things and yet my husband never can. Ugh. Sorry for the long bitch session