Lubes to Avoid!!


Hey everyone ❤

So, just a bit of backstory, every time my boyfriend and i had sex with condoms, i'd get irritated down in the cooch, or end up with a yeast infection a few days later, and at first i thought i was allergic to latex and that was the thing bothering me, but then i thought maybe it was the lube...

After further research i found out that it was. Many resources tell you to look in the ingredients of the lube you buy and avoid anything with Propylene Glycol in it. Propylene Glycol is basically a viscous colourless liquid (syrup) thats almost odorless, but is used in lubes to give a slight sweet taste. The glycol, is acting as slight a sugar, and just like regular sugars, it irritates the vaginal area, throw your pH balance off, and can lead to yeast infections.

So i checked my lube (Durex Play, tingling) of course, and as I had guessed, it was an infredient. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!! Check your ingredients and stay healthy guys!! ❤