Safe sleep around the world

I'm in the US and I know our definition of safe sleep varies pretty significantly from other countries. In the US it's on their back, on nothing but a firm mattress covered with  a fitted sheet, by themselves. The broader recommendations to avoid SIDS are at a minimum difficult to implement across the board and are even a bit contradictory if you try to do all of them. For example you should breastfeed, but also give a paci, which is typically not recommended for breastfed babies until 3 months. Or, you're supposed to room share but not bed share for the first year, although I'm sure many people don't have room for a crib or pack n play in their room. I am curious what safe sleep recommendations are in other countries. I know bed sharing is standard practice in many countries, like Japan. I also know that in many European countries it's common to use a "positioner" in the crib, while that is warned against in the US. 
Meanwhile, our SIDS rates are higher than many of these other countries (at least in 2005). And the US tends to take some very initial findings and roll out large-scale public health initiatives with only some scientific proof behind some of the policy (see government nutrition guidance).
I'm curious in particular because my little girl has never successfully slept on an expansive flat surface (think crib, bassinet etc.) but started out in her rock n play and is now in a Dockatot. For something like the Dockatot I know it is marketed to not be used in a confined space like a crib here, but is fine for use in the crib in the U.K. - it's sold as the Sleepyhead there. I keep seeing all these sanctimommy posts on Dockatot Facebook posts about how horribly unsafe it is, and I'd love to hear some other moms' perspectives. 
For the record, our little girl sleeps in her Dockatot, which is placed on a crib mattress on the floor next to our bed because we didn't feel comfortable bed sharing. She is breastfed, no paci, she is in a sleepsack so no loose bedding or toys. Would love to hear some other thoughts on this.