Going back to work and I don't think I'll be allowed to pump. 😕 Any advice?

So today my boss texted me asking if I could work part time Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-6. I didn't plan on going back to work until my LO was a year but our financial situation has been tough, only depending on my SO to work. So I have been considering trying to look for work. I guess it was meant to be because my boss really needs help!
Here's the problem: It's a little restaurant and I know I will be the only one on shift while I work, because that's how it was when I previously worked there. The boss is the cook. My job there was to host, serve, buss, and be a dishwasher. Basically, there was no time for a break. I know legally you're supposed to be allowed a break but because of his lack of employees there's usually only one employee per shift. I won't have time to pump while working because I'll be constantly taking care of the customers.
I really don't want to lose my supply. I'm EBF and my LO is 7 weeks old, she eats about every 2 hours give or take. I'm not sure what to do. It's only Tuesdays and Thursdays, but it's a 7 hour shift. That's a long time to go without pumping or feeding.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!