6 month old nursing

Kira • Wife 👰 Engineer 👷‍♀️ Mommy 🤱 9/8/16 💖 5/21/19 💙
My 6 month old has always been a very efficient and fast nurser (5-10 minutes) but for the past week, the two evening feedings after I get home from work are so painful. She's frantic and very hungry shortly after she's with me. She sucks so hard it burns deep down and if she comes off the latch she turns her head, pulls and snaps off like she's trying to get every last drop. My mom, her caregiver in the afternoon, says she doesn't want to eat much between 1pm-4pm, maybe 3 oz which is a snack size for her. I don't understand what is causing her to eat like this all of a sudden. My supply is OK and she has solids too. I've already been back to work for a couple months now. Could she be saving her appetite for the tap instead of the bottle?? Has anyone gone through this around the 6 month mark? Im hoping this is temporary because she is only getting stronger!