mamas babyđź’›

Christina • Calista , Kolors , Railyn 👼🏽, baby b loading ♥️
Calista Leanne Reid born 8:03 pm 3-12-17..6lbs7ounces❤️ I was induced 5pm on 3/11/17 wiped down myself got in gown got hooked up to machines filled out paperwork. That fist night I didn't want any visitors. Just my birth mom and sis n law n brother. I was put on pitocin where my contractions cane 1 min apart . My fav nurse was on the clock that night, patty. She kept me laughing the whole time. 3 am I got epidural I cried the whole process even though it didn't hurt I was just scared . 4am I got caphider put in and 4:30 my water broke on its own. I was scheduled to have my water broke in he morning. I was telling one nurse she didn't put it in right I peed on myself she's like no you didn't without even checking. I'm like I feel it on my butt and I pressed the nurse call button to get patty in there. She said my water broke .5 cm dialated. The rest of the day I was constantly being called, had visitors and wanted to sleep. Around 5pm my epidural started wearing off and they gave me this button I could press whenever I had pain. I was scared to push it thinkn if overdose pressing it too many times. It didn't work tho I still felt contractions. I was cranky and I've been told I said a few things to people but I don't remember. A lil after 7 I got checked and my doctor said I'm 10 cm I need to push right now! They cleared the room propped my feet up and we began. It's almost like doing sit ups. my first words after birth was where's my orange juice. The whole time I was in labor I wanted orange juice. While I was pushing my doctor was saying one more push till you get your orange juice. Total of 9 ten second pushes on each contraction. I did get stitches .It was worth it 
P.s- get epidural 🙌🏾you don't feel a thing!