husband lets his mom disrespect me.

Starting back in 2015 we were to get married before he went into basic training, which I didn't expect him to make it through because he's small, so he would feel more secure in our relationship while he was gone and focus on his training. When we told her she didn't say a word to us the entire time I was at her house. She stared at me though dinner and he brought me home after we ate. On his way home he called me and when he got home he put his phone on the table because she said they needed to talk (he never hung up passed 7 p.m.) then she continued to yell at him and call him stupid and call me a gold digger and other nasty things. I hung up because I was so hurt I started crying and didn't want to hear anymore. We didn't get married because we wanted her blessing. Fast forward to Christmas he has made it through basic and all of his letters are filled with promises to marry me when he comes home. She yet again pitches a fit and tells him how stupid he is and all the nasty things she said before. Needless to say wedding postponed a second time 🙄 so he proposes on New Years and I say yes. She has her camera out (which I don't even know why she's there) but no pictures have been produced from that night at all which I find super suspicious. He gets his first duty station in Korea and I'm finishing highschool while working at her church to look after her per my husbands request helping her cook clean and take care of last minute promises she made to the church that she then claimed to do by herself. She would take me to do her grocery shopping and say she doesn't need a cart and hand me giant bags of dog food and thing until I couldn't carry anymore then when I tell her I'm going to get a cart she would say "were leaving soon why didn't you say something sooner?" And continue to walk the store for hours. Fast forward once again to June. I apologize to her for overreacting to her calling me names and even but her a ring on Mother's Day and propose to her asking her to be my mother in law. She forgives me but never apologizes. After all she was the one that did something wrong. I just had normal human feelings about it He flies home from Korea to be at my graduation and to FINALLY marry me. We get a hotel because she doesn't want me in her house and we don't want to be apart being as we've seen eachother 1 week in almost a year. We're on our way to the courthouse when she calls crying about how I'm stealing him from her and pushing him away from her when I've consistently fixed their problems when they weren't getting along because I do want them to have a good relationship. He cusses her and tells her that she's pushing herself away and that he will be forced to put her out of our life if she continues to interfere. She yells at him and I don't remember the rest. She attends our courthouse wedding as a witness and fails to take any pictures or make a video during but has her phone out (again). He goes back to Korea and we start looking for places because he got his orders for his next duty station. We invite her because I feel guilty that She has to be so far away from her son, but during the planning for the move she continually pushes for things to go her way and excludes me in plans. She asks for more than we can give and refuses to do anything for herself including pack (I offered to help so she waited until I came to help). She tells us we're going to have to move her stuff for her because she can't afford it but we continually tell her we can't either. She wants to bring all her stuff even though I kept telling her it wouldn't all fit (which upon arriving I was proved right.) and we came down to 5 months from moving when she decided to say "do you need me to come? If there's a 49% and 51% where does that 51% stand?" I told her I wouldn't answer that because it was a manipulative question and later on down the road I didn't want her throwing it in my face but after keeping my mouth shut about all the problems she was causing in the move I finally told her and she said she wasn't coming then put her phone down thinking she hung up and started talking to herself about killing me. I tell my husband and he tells her he doesn't want her anywhere near me. So come December they've barely spoken due to this incedent. He stays with me and my grandparents when he's home on leave and we're on our way to our new home within a matter of weeks. She's angry that he doesn't spend the night with her after coming to pack his things (grown married and on a super tight schedule) were in her kitchen when she pulls out his jacket which he left in America for me and says "I've been holding on to this for you. I was hesitant to give it to you because I know you'll never get to wear it" so I leave with bad feelings. We spend a couple months in Colorado and we finally get our BFP and we're only a couple weeks pregnant when we find out so we tell close friends and family making it clear that we aren't telling anyone quite yet. She promises not to tell anyone we know, but then announces it almost immediately after and then says "you didn't expect me to keep it all to myself did you?" That was the last straw. I sent here a message telling her what she did wrong and that I expected and apology and now she's reading my messages but not replying. Sorry this is so long, but I don't know what to do anymore. I told her if she continued to disrespect me she would lose her privileges to our child and any future children. I want a functional family and all dysfunctional parts will be removed.