Beastfeeding question! please help !


Hey ladies so I just had my baby boy and we are working on breast feeding. He's 9lb 5oz and has Neonatal hypoglycemia so every 2 hours I go over to the Nicu to nurse him. I am currently producing colostrum and it comes out when I prep so he's getting some of it correct? I had him nursing for 30 and 30 for each breast because he latched both time for that long and I wasn't going to throw him off if he was still going to keep going. The nurse told me not to go more than 20 & 20 on each breast because he's just using me as a pacifier at that point and it's going to make me sore? I do not feel sore and he nurses every 2 hours for a good bit of time each time  (mainly 20 & 20 each time) so my question is , is she right should I not let him do that? I feel these nurses are trying everything to discourage me from breast feeding but I feel he's doing so well and my nipples have been so strong throughout this experience. I know they want to push formula since his sugars are low but they don't understand I want to try the breast feeding before throwing things at him (he threw up the first night because they pushed formula on him to try to rise his blood sugar both times he completely threw up the entire bottle) I feel so sad about the entire thing my poor baby going through all of this and feeling like I can't help him is driving me nuts because I have no support from these nurses  !  Also is there any chance I'll produce milk faster since he is nursing so much and his body needs more than average? Thank you ladies in advance