Went in to doctor for scheduled BP check on Monday  3/13 at 9am

Went in to doctor for scheduled BP check on Monday  3/13 at 9am. By 10 I was checking into L&D to "run some labs" and see if I had pre eclampsia. Husband was at home sleeping since he worked until 7am. They decided, even after all my labs came back clear I was still considered to have pre eclampsia due to extreme BP. So officially getting induced and put on magnesium (worst stuff ever). Hubby makes it to hospital by 1 as I'm getting my first dose of pitocin. No cervadil as I'm already dilated 3cm (first cervix check and so painful!) They check me again around 8pm and I'm 6cm and my water breaks. Contractions really get started and they aren't too bad. I hate being stuck in bed so no walking, no ball, no tub, but just breathing through them. Little man was being a pill and hard to monitor so had to out in the internal monitor about 1am. Worst pain of my life and decided I had to get epidural, got it at about 2am and life was good. Slept on and off until 6am when they checked I was 10cm and ready to push even though he was pretty far up there. Tried pushing like 5-6 times  but his heart rate dropped like crazy every time. Gave me some shot they hoped would help but no dice. Decided with doctor that c section was our only option to get him out safely. After that it's all a blur. Glad I already had epidural and they just turned it up. Felt a couple tugs and Callen was born Tuesday at 8:11am. The doctors and nurses here have been amazing. He lost about 9% of his weight so we are currently supplementing with donor milk at every feeding but seems to have turned a corner as we should be going home tomorrow! Thanks ladies for all your support and good luck to all those with impending births. My only advice is don't have a plan because that plan will go out the window but it doesn't matter once your baby is here and in your arms!!