Nipple Shield Help!

I had my daughter 5 days ago and one of the nurses in the hospital gave us a nipple shield because my nipples were still laying pretty flat, which made it difficult for my daughter to latch. I had HUGE success once my nipples started acting right. She had a great latch. My nipples did get pretty sore/ cracked from cluster feeding so I decided to whip out the shield again. I've used it on/off the past two days alternating between feeling with/without it every other time. However, throughout tonight's feedings it seems my baby has completely forgotten how to latch without the shield. It still doesn't help that my nipples are laying flat again. My milk just came in this morning so my breasts are huge and firm - it's like my nipples can't keep up! Any suggestions on how to help her latch without the shield and how to get my nipples to stick out?