She's here👶🏽🎀.... EARLY

Well as my last post stated I was in labor at 30 weeks 1 day. Been dealing with dilating & incompetent cervix since 20 weeks. Was on progesterone from 20 weeks to 25 weeks. But at 25 weeks I was 3cm dilated with no cervix so they didn't want me inserting anything.  So fast forward to yesterday 2pm. Started cramping but I just chalked it up to Braxton hicks. But at around 4pm it got bad and there was blood. So me and hubby sped off to the hospital. It was rush hour😩. My water broke in the car. Got to the hospital and I was passing clots. My placenta started detaching. My original birth plan was to go natural but my OB (who beat me here thankfully) suggested the epidural in the event I had to be rushed in for a c section. Got in a labor room around 5:30 and was 4cm dilated. By 9pm I was 6cm dilated. At 11:01 I was 10cm dilated and my baby girl made her entrance into this world at 11:11😍🎀. She is 3lbs 1oz and 15 inches. Was breathing on her own but once in the NICU they hooked her up to the cpap. I'm so happy. Yes she's early but she's perfect in our eyes! Ready for our NICU journey.