thought I'd share my birth story 💙✨


On Monday March 13th I had a membrane sweep. I immediately felt sort of achey & crampy and it only got worse. I went home to try & get things going so I cleaned the house a bit & continued on with my day. I was still super crampy & sore & was having lots of braxton hicks.

When I went to bed I could not sleep because of how much pain I was in. I finally fell asleep around 6 am On Tuesday march 14th. I woke up around 11 am that day still feeling incredibly crampy & sore. I threw up once & felt the urge to poop several times but only did twice & they were small poops (tmi lmao) I never felt relieved.

It was so painful & I had zero appetite. I finally caved in & went to the hospital around 2 & was only 3 cm dilated but had kind of high blood pressure so they had me walk around because I was having consistent contractions. 

At 5:10 ish after walking the halls and having consistent contractions I was rechecked & was 4 cm!!!!! I had also lost my mucus plug & was bleeding a bit & having discharge so the doctor knew it was go time.

Around 7:30 I got the epidural (it was heaven) & was 6 cm dilated at 9:30 pm. 

Around midnight (probably a little later) I was 8 cm dilated & my water broke. Then at 1:05 am i was 10 cm dilated & ready to push!!! My epidural failed. I was in so much pain & could feel every single contraction oh and can’t forget the ring of fire. I started pushing & the doctor almost missed it. I pushed my son out in 19 minutes & he was here by 1:24 am ✨✨✨ 

I tore in 2 spots & got stitches but I didn't feel them going in. The pain was immediately relieved when they laid my son on my chest 💙

6 lbs 14 oz 20 1/4 inches long we would like to welcome Maverick to the world 💙 we are sooo in love with him