I thought my water broke at 4:00 AM on Thursday morning

Kelly • I`m 32 and mother to two daughters ages 4 and 7 months. I’m an assistant director at a childcare center in Minnesota.
I thought my water broke at 4:00 AM on Thursday morning. We came to the hospital to make sure everything was alright. When we got here, they did a test to find out if my water had actually broken. It had, so they admitted me. I was officially admitted at 4:55 AM. They then checked me to see where I was at. I was already between 6-7 cm dilated. At this point I had only had one cramp that was barely nothing in terms of pain. After that they called my doctor to let her know I was in labor. Mitch and I then just walked the halls for a while and I sat on a ball. My contractions started picking up after that. They weren't terrible in pain either. I was able to breathe through them without issue. After a while they checked me again and I was 8-9 cm. We started talking about medication and an epidural. My contractions got stronger and then I started feeling pressure so they checked me and I was 9 1/2 cm dilated. I then got a shot of medicine in my IV. It wasn't to long after that that I was 10 cm and I started pushing. I pushed for 45 minutes and she was here. I tore a little bit and had a few stitches. I was in labor for 7 hours total