My name is Olivia and I am 21 years old

Olivia • Well my name is Olivia. I am 21 years young. My fiance is 26. I have 1 child. She will ne 1 on April 15, 2017. I just found out that I currently pregnant again. I found out today(St Patricks Day)!!
My name is Olivia and I am 21 years old. Just to give a little information about myself I will start from the beginning. I had my first miscarriage when I was 17 years old. I was not ready for a child and I was not trying to conceive. With that said it was still a very hard and horrible thing to go threw. Fat forward a few years and I had met the man I will marry one day. We decided to try and have a baby. Soon after I found out I was pregnant and we were both so happy. At 9 weeks I went to the doctor where they couldn't find a heart beat. I was devastated. So was he. At this point I felt I was unable to have kids and would never be able to have a good pregnancy. So we stopped trying. But then I found out I was pregnant with my rainbow baby. I had a amazing and healthy pregnancy. She was born April 15, 2016. She will be one this year. She is the most amazing, smart, intelligent, and caring 1 year old I have ever seen. She is my world. The reason I am even taking the time to write this is because for all the women that don't have hope and have went threw what I have. I want this to give you hope and make you realize that miracles do happen. Also that it is possible and you shouldn't give up. So the best of luck to all you ladies. I hope you all loves my storey. Thanks for reading😊