Any Home Birth Mamas?

Any Mamas on here with home birth stories? Not seeing a lot of em... Here's mine, from two years ago but let's get the ball rolling. I was due November 19 2014 and was blessed to have a midwife for my pregnancy as I loved the standard of care and really wished for a home water birth. This was my first pregnancy and it was perfect, I was healthy and not sick for one minute and I loved being pregnant. I was one of those ladies that I now want to punch in the face. Haha. November 13, 39 weeks pregnant I woke up at 1am with a backache. Thought nothing of it, my husband set me up with a heating pad, I played some soothing instrumental music and tried to go back to sleep. At 430am I woke up again with cramps in my belly. They were on and off but at a pretty regular pace. I wasn't sure if this was labour because it was my first, I thought contractions would be slow to start, I fully expected to be in labour the typical 24 hours that they say first time mom's are. I didn't think I'd hit the ground running. I called my Mom, she's across the country and with the time difference I knew she'd be up getting ready for work, and I asked am I in labour? In the meantime the contractions were taking my breath away. She said call your midwife! So at 5am I called my midwife and woke her up. My contractions were 5 minutes apart, she said call me when they are 3. Her rule was 311. So I paced the living room, timing my contractions and debating on when to wake my husband. I wanted to let him sleep for as long as possible, since I was up and working hard somone needed to be rested! It wasn't long before I decided ok it's time he needs to get up. This was around 6am. He rushed to get the basement ready and the birth pool, I decided to have a shower. Contractions picked up. 630am my water broke in a huge splashing gush on the kitchen floor. Then it was game on. Contractions were fast and furious so I called the midwife again. This time I was screaming I couldn't handle the pain. She arrived at 7am, checked me, I was 8cm already! Holy cow this was going way faster than I anticipated. My mother has fast labours but I was told her history may not have an impact on my labour. Well I guess it did! So my husband and midwives were scrambling to fill the birth pool, and also trying to manage me and my contractions, I was in different positions, tried different breathing techniques (as screaming is not effective at all) and my husband was massaging my back to alleviate some pain. I finally got in and the water felt amazing! What a difference! But it slowed me down. So I got out and contractions picked back up again. Finally they said I could push, so I pushed. I pushed on the toilet, I pushed on the bed, I pushed for 2.5 hours and finally they said ok now it's time for the pool again. Pushing was hard work I tell you! It was a relief from contractions, not as painful but it is a lot of work. So my husband and I both got in the birth pool and I pushed a little bit longer and at 11:15am our beautiful perfect son Grayson was born. He was here! As soon as he was out he was up on my chest for skin to skin. Yes I was completely naked for most of my labor time and no, I didn't give a hoot. I thought I would be nervous being naked in front of 3 midwives but nope, when you're in labour you don't care about anything! He was amazing and so calm, he didn't cry for the longest time. His eyes were open, he was so alert, just looking around and taking it all in. My placenta was delivered with ease and then they helped us out of the pool and into bed. It was even more perfect and peaceful and amazing as I had imagined. And honestly I felt like a rock star. I did it!! I actually did it! I had a baby, at home, in the pool like I always wanted!! My husband and midwives were amazing incredible support and I couldn't have done it without them. I would do it a million times over it was such an amazing experience. I am currently 15 weeks pregnant due Sept 4 and I hope and pray my next delivery is the same :)