Babbling less

I'm one of those people that worry about everything. My baby seemed precocious at first. Social smile at four weeks, rolled over the first time at three weeks (front to back three times. Later back to front twice). Cooing early on. Now he's four months. He smiles and squeals a lot. He's just beginning to laugh every now and again. He's grabbing toys and putting them in his mouth. I went back to work six weeks ago. Yesterday I realized that my little babbler hasn't been babbling that much in the last few weeks. I thought maybe I'm just around him less, being back at work, but I asked my husband and he agreed. I read that when babies are focusing on new tasks, they may ignore things like babbling which they mastered earlier. However, he hasn't rolled since those early times and doesn't seem interested. I'm not sure what he would be focusing on at this point. Anyone else going through the same?