46 Minutes at the Hospital and She Arrived

This sweet girl was due 3/17 but decided  to arrive on Thursday 3/16 at 6:46am weighing in at 9lbs 4oz measuring 21 inches. 
Sorry so long 
Wednesday walked around stores, got home that afternoon, had a bloody show. Dinner time I didn't have much appetite & went to lay down, started having some contractions around 11pm that were about 10 minutes apart. They weren't really painful, more annoying. I slept for a while & woke up at 3 to a painful contraction so I started timing them again. I woke my fiancé up around 4 and told him I think we should start getting ready to go in for a labor check. I told him I wanted to shower first, while in the shower the contractions got closer but still not horrible. Started getting everything together, woke the kids (17, 16, 13, & 6) up to let them know we were leaving. Around 5:30 my oldest daughter made me laugh and I felt a pop & my water broke. At that point we knew we better hurry, my fiancé called L&D to give them a heads up. We only live about 15 minutes from the hospital and just during that drive I was afraid I waited too long to leave. We pulled into the hospital at exactly 6:00am, walked in through the ER where they took me in an office to start registering. At that point I couldn't talk much. A nurse walked in and said "You look like you're in pain!" I said "Mmm hmm." She asked if my water broke, I shook my head and she said we need to go and went and got a wheelchair. They basically were running me to L&D, she was timing my contractions and it got to the point I didn't know when they were starting and ending. When we got up there she told them they were under a minute apart. They took me in a room asked for a urine sample & had me get in a gown & get in bed to get checked. She checked, said I was at 6, this was at 6:20am. I asked for pain meds (my plan was natural lol)  she said I had to get an iv and labs drawn first. As soon as she put the iv in I asked her could I have something now?! She said had to get blood drawn, I told her I needed to push so she checked again and while checking used her other hand to call for a doctor, I was ready. I started pushing (while getting blood drawn 😣) they were telling me to stop, breathe through it, I told them I couldn't & kept pushing, they told me to at least wait for the doctor! I told them I was trying! Dr made it in there, I almost felt that I couldn't do it while pushing, my fiancé said he thought I was going to pass out at one point and I guess I told them I was, but luckily with a little extra oxygen I didn't. At 6:46am our big girl was out ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️