sex not doing it anymore

So, I love sex, I know I do - at least I did before DD came along. Throughout my entire pregnancy we had sex at least 2x a week, up until the night before she was born. She was born via c-section so I wouldn't think that my vagina would change all that much but it did. Sex feels different now. We had sex again for the first time 4 weeks after DD's birth and it hurt, waited another week and it still hurt. The pain has since subsided but I haven't been able to cum at all.. like sex doesn't even feel good anymore. It feel like a chore and if I'm being honest I feel too big for him, like I've stretched out, massively.
Even with all that we have sex just about every other day now because my husband initiates it and I'm not going to shoot him down, it's not his fault and I know he feels the difference too because he takes forever to cum when before, if I wanted I could do certain things that would make him cum within 5min. now those things don't phase him anymore and  there we are for 30+min of 'nothing for me... is this awful? Is it me? Is there something I can do?
- new first time mom