Ovulation Testing Help!!


I'm wondering if anyone has experience with ovulation testing... My husband and I conceived our son after 10 months of very detailed charting and ovulation testing with no issues with the tests. We're ready for another, this is our 3rd month trying. I'm using ClearBlue Advanced Ovulation Tests. My cycles have generally been 31 days.. Last month, I started testing on cd10, it showed a blank circle (low fertility) each day until cd14 when it suddenly showed a solid smiley face (peak- LH surge), I got no blinking faces (high fertility or high estrogen).. negative hpt. So I started testing again this month on cd11 with a blank circle, then cd12 to now, which is cd18, I've been getting blinking faces twice a day.. I test in the morning and at night. I was excited at first, but now I'm just stressed. I'm guessing I either missed the surge or didn't even have one.. So does that mean I didn't ovulate? Or maybe I haven't even ovulated yet? Should I keep testing? Anyone else go through this? What was your outcome? Like I said, I had none of these issues the first time around, I always had a few high days and then at least one peak day following. Thank you!