Rosies Day

The day started off normal. Got up to go to my weekly docs appointment and wasn't feeling too good. Once I was called to the back they realized my blood pressure was higher than normal but not high enough to worry. I get in the room and prepare for the dreadful two finger exam 😒 I have dilated to a 4 and I'm very thin. My doc starts asking me about how baby have been and I let her know she wasn't moving as much so she strapped me to a monitor to check out her heart rate and give me a nst (I threw up twice while waiting so it took longer than normal). She's not happy with what she see and sends me over to l&d to be monitored longer. I get over to the hospital and they set me up. I drink sugar water to try and wake her up and she even rubs her head to get her moving and they aren't happy with the results so they wheel me into a room and say "are you ready to see your baby?" At this point I'm excited because I didn't think that I would be delivering that day. Of course I say yes and right after my doc break my water and start me on a pitocin drip. I initially wanted to push her out naturally but the pain was sooooo unbearable I started begging for an epidural by 7 centimeters. Finally I'm relaxed and everything is still progressing normally. I liked the fact that they administered small doses manually instead of giving me a button to push. It allowed me to still feel the contractions and pressure without it being so extreme. Once I got 9 almost 10 centimeters we did some practice pushes to bring her down. After we had gotten far enough they called my doc and in 3 pushes my beautiful baby girl was born. We delayed cord cutting for about 5 minutes and she didn't cry not one bit 😍 Oh Yea I didn't tear 😁