Awful birth experience

vanessa🤱🏻 • Mommy to a little girl🎀•and a little boy⚾️•Photograper📸•Down Syndrome Awareness💙💛

My birth experience was absolutely awful, it's pretty long so bare with me.

The night of January 23rd I was laying in bed and I felt like I was wet. I got up to use the restroom thinking since "I'm huge I've probably just peed myself" but once I got in the restroom i notice that it's still coming (Not a lot, but just enough for me to notice that it's not stopping) so I go to my SO and ask what he thinks, he then tells me that I should probably call my doctor and see what they think. They tell me that I may have a slow leak so I need to come in to be evaluated. Its now 3 in the morning and I'm scared that my baby is going to come and I'm barley 33weeks pregnant and we are headed to the hospital.

We get to triage and they tell me to get undressed as I do so I notice that my underwear are not only wet but there's a little blood as well. I tell the nurse and she asks me to get on the bed, she lays my bed all the way back and asks me to put my fists under my butt, after she does the amni swab to see if my water had a leak it seems like it takes 4 hours for them to bring the results back. They come back in and tell me that my water had not broken that I had just peed myself...GREAT...i came to l&d because I've peed myself. I go home and the next day, January 24th I start noticing contractions and they're getting pretty intense. I then call my doctor once more and they tell me to wait until they're 2 minutes apart for an hour. Okay, so here I am looking like an idiot arched over the did of my bed in pain and I have to wait for it to get worse. My four year old cousin for some odd reason runs to my room and tells me "baby's coming tomorrow" I think "She's just a child she has no clue what she's talking about" jump to about 11 that night and my pain is so intense that I demand that my SO take me to l&d. We get to triage and they tell me that they have to check my cervix because I've been having contractions. Turns out I'm dilated to a 4 and They notice the leaking start again so she puts her fingers back on the spot that she had just touched and sure enough my wated had been broken since the day before it was just a slow leak.. i was pissed.. So the nurse leaves and comes back in and tells me that they have to keep me just to watch me. They wheel me to my room and start my antibiotics (strep b) and give me my first dose of steroids for baby girls lungs. (I had gone into labor at 27 weeks so I had already had 3 days of magnesium and 2 doses of steroids) after that I don't get checked until about 2 am on the 25th I'm at a 6 by then and I ask if I'm in labor and if they can stop it. The stupid nurse tells me I'm "kind of in labor, kind of not" so I'm like okay, whatever that means. I'm already in pain and frustrated and then the doctor comes in and says she's going to break my water, well that was also when all hell broke loose and I asked for the epidural. Labor or not I wanted to make the pain stop. So the anesthesiologist came in to me to sign my consent. After that I layed back and tried to relax until he got back with the shot. My baby's heart rate started to drop tremendously and the nurses rushed in and yanked me to my right side, I was told not to move while they watch my babys heart rate. I then ask if I'm in labor and the nurse tells me NO, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON THEN I think to myself, the anesthesiologist FINALLY comes in at like 6 or 7am and does my epidural and I'm checked one more time I'm the AT AN 8...but im "not in labor". The nurse finally tells me that I'm in labor and that I should call family and friends or whoever because the baby will be coming soon. By then I'm absolutely pissed. I call my mom and she asks why I hadn't called her sooner and begins to scold me because I promised to call when I was in labor. I told her the story and she tried to make me feel bad by telling me that I just didn't want her there and that I wanted to keep her from having the experience of getting to watch her first grand baby be born. I'm pissed and the epidural hadn't kicked in yet so I was in pain and I was being scolded by my mother all at the same time. I was in complete awe, my birth plan went completely out of the window. I tell them that I need to poop about an hour later and I can't hop it and they check me IM AT A 10 "you aren't pooping your babys head is coming" I'm freaking out thinking she's not going to live because she's so early. Once they got me prepped I asked if I could hold her once she was here. The NURSE SHUSHED ME, so I ask again and the doctor told me that if she was crying and breathing on her own then I could hold her until the nicu team can to get her, they tell me that it's time and I can start pushing, that part was HELL. I couldn't control my legs and I almost ripped out my IV the nurse tells me not to use my arm and so my SO had to hold my leg in position do me to push properly 3 sets of 3 pushes and 8 minutes later my beauty was here. Celena Lucille 4lbs 9oz 17in long and more beautiful than ever. My birthing was horrible but I'd do it over and over for my sweet girl.