Labor & Birth @ 38w3d 💛


Original due date - March 27th.

Scheduled cesarean - March 22nd.

Delivery date - March 16th.

This was a Surprise!

I stayed awake most of the night with contractions unsure if they were Braxton Hicks or the real deal.

7:30. Used the bathroom to go pee and it felt like I was pretty much still going pee after my bladder was empty.

I said out loud "OMG! I think my water broke!" 😁

Unsure, I came to bed, talked with my hubby n told him what hppnd and that I wasn't sure but just in case it did - I was going shower now.

Contractions were closer together but not every X amount of mins. Just closer and about 30-45 seconds long.

Went to ER - test was positive for my amniotic fluid. I was still able to have my OB doctor deliver via cesarean.

We are now home and doing great!

Very surprised and excited knowing that I had a certain amount of days left to go and she came a few days earlier than expected - it was such an amazing day 💖