39 hour labor 😖

At 40 weeks and 1 day I was scheduled for an induction for my gestational diabetes with Cervadil because my cervix was not changing AT ALL! I was hoping to wait until my son was ready but unfortunately health issues were in the way 😞. On Thursday March 2nd and 10:30pm, I was induced with Cervadil and was told in 12 hours the midwife would check to see if I was changed. At 2am contractions started, but it was all in my back! Woohoo...back labor for me! So these contractions went on and on to the point I couldn't take it anymore! The contractions were 2 minutes apart and lasting a minute each! The monitor was picking up on them and once ot was safe for me to get in the tub, i went in! It helped so much and I felt 10 times better. At 10:30am i had the Cervadil taken out and did my cervix change? NO! But I was having strong contractions. After that, my midwife suggested pitocin and an epidural since my contractions were terrible and all in my back to begin with. I, who wanted a natural labor, said "FUCK THE NATURAL SHIT! GIVE ME MY MEDS!" which worked beautifully and didn't hurt one bit getting done. Thank you anesthesiologists that looks like Justin Timberlake. After the epidural and pitocin, i was in bed for a good 6 hours with stronger and closet together contractions . Did I progress? Barely. 1cm. So my midwife inserted the "balloon" to make it open. It was supposed to stay in for only 12 hours and literally at the 11th hour, i went from 1cm to 6! Finally something got done! At that point it was 2ish in the morning on Saturday March 4th. Then I progressed to 7cm in which i was STUCK AT until 11am when I went from 7cm to 10 within an hour. Finally i was ready to push and the pain in my back was UNBEARABLE! I wanted to feel myself push so I didn't press the epidural button once the midwife told me i was at 10. I pushed for 2 hours, feeling immense pain, like a saw was cutting through my back. Finally, my son was born at 1:56pm on March 4th, 7lbs8oz, 20in. I lost a lot of blood though. Nurses were pushing down on my uterus and i kept yelling "stop!" because it was too much! I ended up having to stay for another 4 days for iron infusions and so the Midwife could keep an eye on me, while my son was in NICU for low blood sugar and jaundice. Luckily we are both okay and everything is fine now. But if I do have another kid I hope I can wait until they are ready.