Misbehaving cats? How to fix it?

Okay. I love my animals, I do. But I am at my wits end. Getting rid of them is not an option, because they are my fur babies. But they have been incredibly terrible with misbehaving lately (it's been the last 5+ weeks when we had only the occasional problem before).

I have three cats. Two boys and a girl. All fixed, so that's not the problem.

We've had them for a long time, and we moved several months ago, with no problems. So it's not a change in location or lack of time with us.

We have never allowed our pets on any furniture other than couches/chairs, and they aren't allowed in our bedroom since we like to actually sleep at night, not listen to them roughhouse. We have a spray bottle for when they jump on the counter, which usually deters them.

Lately I'll wake up to food from the counter (I'm talking a loaf of bread, an unopened bag of marshmallows I WAS going to use for rice Krispy treats, and a bag of homemade banana cream white chocolate chip cookies, as well as banana bread) on the floor, torn into, chewed up, smeared everywhere. Things they NEVER used to get into, which is why I felt it'd be safe to leave on the counter.

They also feel the need to jump on the coffee table when we have a beverage there, soda, water, juice, and knock it over.

They get fed PLENTY and we have a massive dog water dish to ensure they have water even when we aren't home. We just bought them a whole bunch of new toys and a big scratching post to go with their slightly smaller one, assuming they were bored.

Nothing we do is working. And we don't want to hit them, since cats don't understand why they're being hit when they're being hit.

Again, I do not want to get rid of them, but I'm 17 weeks pregnant and about to punt them out the window, they're infuriating me so much.

How do you deal with it or make it stop? Any and all advice would be welcome