Baby Liam is finally here

Baby Liam is finally here! 3/19/2017; 39weeks and 6days! I was laboring at home all day and night Saturday, I made it to the hospital around 3pm on Sunday and he was born at 6:04pm 😊 8lbs 1oz and 20in long! I always wanted an all natural childbirth and that's what I got! Although if labor would have lasted any longer I would have been a goner! Also, if your hospital has a room with a birthing tub I recommend you ask if it's available! It helped me through the worst part 8-10 centimeters. Pushing only lasted 10mins for me which was a blessing, but I feel like something no one mentions is the fact that you feel like you are pooping a boulder.. I was prepared for vaginal pain, but we need to start talking more about the anal pain 😓! I had no idea what was going on, but I'm so glad I made it through. He is so worth the pain!