Had to have an emergency induction 😨

At 36weeks I was rushed to the hospital for high blood pressure, protein in urine, and low blood platelet count. I had preeclampsia and they were worried I would have a stroke at any second and my daughter and I wouldn't make it. I was emitted Saturday the 11th and put on medication to induce me. At the time I was 0 dilated and not thinned at all. Fast forward to Tuesday... I'm only dilated to 2 and have had my membranes swept 3 times.... I'm tired, irritated, sick, and just want my baby. The dr decided to break my water and start me in pitocin. Let me tell you about pain. The contractions can instantly and I was screaming!!! Cussing out nurses and begging for an epidural. Finally the lady came in to give me the epidural. First dose didn't work and I was begging for more. Finally got the second dose and it worked. I went from screaming to passing out instantly. 2 hours later I wake up screaming again. My nurse is in there and is asking if I feel like I need to poop. Nope just hurting and my butt feels heavy. She decides to check me even tho my contractions "weren't strong enough for labor yet"... yeah right. She checked and her eyes go big!! Babies head is right there. She runs to the door and yells out all these instructions and I'm being put up in stirrups and people are getting equipment ready. My husband was sleeping but is now shot outta bed and standing by me(making jokes about wonder who the dad is and stuff 🙄 lol). Dr comes in and 3 pushes later, my sweet baby is here! Born march 15th at 3:10 in the morning. 6lbs and 10 oz and 20.5 inches long. She's perfect in every way! I'm inlove. We have to stay longer then normal cause she had jaudance but now she's perfect!! Worth all the pain, the screaming, and the long week at the hospital. 
My Autumn Rayne is my whole world❤