last weeks pregnant *rant*

My due date according to my LMP is tomorrow, march 21. but my dr is going by March 27 which means I'm only 39 weeks today. The past few appointments I've made almost no progress. I'm only about 1-1.5 cm dilated and still high. He says he thought I'd be farther along since this is my fourth baby. About a week or so ago the pain in my pubic bone has gotten so bad I can't open my legs or even turn in bed. Even sneezing hurts. Anyway, so my husband asks how it went and I told him and I tell him it makes me depressed because I'm so ready mentally but my body is not. And since they won't induce until I hit their 41 weeks which is April 3, I can't process being pregnant another two weeks. He has the nerve to say "well, at this point what's another two weeks." I couldn't believe he said that. But this is from the man who told me I'm pregnant not disabled when I asked for help in lifting a box. And I've always been independent and I hardly EVER ask him for help. He is 8 years younger than me but this is our second baby together. I'm still baffled by the things that come out of his mouth but I am patient because I knew what I got myself into with the age and maturity difference. Anyway just venting and praying I go into labor sooner than having to wait two weeks.