when did you "graduate" from RE to OBGYN?

The Mrs.
I went through 4 IUIs to get pregnant.  Currently 7w2d.  I have my first ultrasound Thursday which will be 7w5d. (I did have a placement scan at 5w2d but we only saw the gestational and yolk sacs). Will they send me on my way after that scan provided everything looks good?  I don't really have an OBGYN. I go to my GP for paps and lady part visits but she doesn't do pregnancy/delivery anymore. There is a maternity clinic in my town that I assume is where I will be going it I don't know if I should call and make an appt with my GP or what?  I'm obviously going to talk to my RE coming up at my appt.  I was just curious what everyone else's next steps were??  
UPDATE- I went for my appt yesterday. Our little bear looked great, measuring at 7w3d with a heartrate of 148bpm.  I graduated yesterday!  She referrred me to an OB in my city and I just have to wait for them to call.