I Took A Girl's Ring, I Think I Got Caught

So right before Spring Break, a girl in my Yearbook class left her ring on her computer and I picked it up to return it to her but she was gone. I don't have her number or anything so I was planning on keeping it over the break and giving it back today, but I started to like it a lot and when I had the chance to give it back, I didn't. When I was in 6th period today, a boy in my class pointed it out and asked if my boyfriend who is also his cousin gave it to me because he doesn't know that we broke uo, but I just told him that a girl in my Yearbook class let me have it. He said her name and asked if that was her I said yeah and he said "That's my prom date" So a few minutes later he was on his phone and when I was looking down at my paper to take notes and I think he thought I was looking at it because he moved it to the other side of his binder. Now I'm anxious because I don't want to go into class tomorrow and get embarrassed. I don't know her all that well so I don't know if she'll make a scene of be subtle, but honestly I'm thinking of skipping the class altogether because I'm in good with the teacher and he'll let me leave. I don't want to confront her, I'd much rather give the teacher the ring and ask him to give it to her without telling him it was from me. I already know that I was wrong for trying to keep the ring and I don't know what it could have meant to her, but I can't give it back in person. I feel too guilty and anxious. I don't even know if she knows because I'm not sure if he knew but I'm sure he did the way he was acting. And I get that I'm supposed to give to to her and say I'm sorry, but that's pretty damn hard.