I'm scared

My baby girl tends to cry quite a bit and nurses every 2 hours at night. I keep telling myself that it's normal. That it's growing pains, teething, and sleep regression and everything else. Hubby called pedi to ask him and now the pedi made us an appointment to have X-rays done to check abdomen and something else. It's been going on for awhile. What if something does come back as wrong and here I've been pretending that the cries are normal. I feel so shitty already for not being able to calm her sometimes or figure out what's wrong and now to know that something can very well be wrong and it'll be my fault for letting it go on for so long. She's 4 1/2 months. I just wanna cry but I'm holding her bc she finally fell asleep and I dont wanna wake her.  I'm getting teary eyed just writing this.  Please pray there is nothing wrong with her. That it's just growing pains.