My labour and delivery at 41+2 weeks

I had my induction set for 22nd of March! 
On the 13th of March I had my midwife appointment and had a sweep which gave me some cramps but still nothing! Also was told I was only 1 cm dialated. the next day I started to loosing my mucus plug this carried on for next few days! On the 16th of March I had an appointment with a midwife to have aroma therapy massage which really relaxed me! I laughed and said to the midwife that with my first daughter I was 9 days early so maybe this baby wants to be 9days late and I will be back on the 18th! 😂 (little did I know I was right)  
The next day I just had a normal day and nearly thought of going into labour! Just felt fed up of constantly thinking about when will it be my turn? So after dinner I decided to walk down to the shop and buy some snacks, invited my sister round for a game of cards and just had an relaxing night! My sister brought a curry so we had some of that and just before 12:30am on the 18th when we finished playing cards I started to feel some contractions! My parter was driving my sister home so he said as a joke to her "maybe this is it, you shouldn't leave" when he came back from dropping her off I told him I was having contractions every 7 mins and they are getting quite sore but not to put his hopes up! By 2am i was gabinet them every 2 mins so at half 2 I phoned my midwife and she said to wait it out at home since it was only a couple of hours since my contractions started! I stayed at home until 4:30am! Got to the hospital at 5am with painful contractions but my midwife thought it was just early labour so she gave me the ball to bounce on! Really needed my parter to rub my back with every contraction and felt like I was going to dye every time I had a contraction but felt absolutely fineinbetween! At 6:15am my midwife finally decided to check if I'm dialated and to her surprise I was 6 cm! And at half 6 I asked for some gas and air which did take the edge off! I remember looking at the time (7:09) and thinking I need to push and my body just started doing it by it self! My parter buzzed the midwife as my waters broke and she said she will be right back but as soon as she left I was pushing! My parter looked at me and said you look like your pushing to which I replied because I am and he said well stop and pressed the button! The midwife came and bearly had time to put gloves and apron on as the head was coming out! And at 7:27am my beautiful second daughter was born! I remember asking for diamorphine but she was there was no time as the head is out! It all happened so fast and remember not feeling the ring of fire this time round like I did with my first! After delivery I didn't need any stitches (I didn't have any with my first either) so I feel like recovery was easy! My baby girl was a good size of 8lbs 5oz and 52cm long! Just wanted to share my story as I see a lot of women don't think they can do it naturally but it's so much easier for recovery and if you think you want to do it its absolutely possible! I've never had an epidural and I feel that's why I never had any stitches! Also after delivery I was back at home after 6 hours!