

Last night my 2 weeks old son would not sleep. He was acting hungry so I fed him, and he fell asleep while nursing like usual. He woke up a few minutes later and started screaming. We changed and burped him and rubbed his belly to see if it was trapped gas like has happened before but nothing would calm him. I finally decided to try to feed him again even though it was only a few minutes since he had last eaten. He stopped crying and went to sleep again. A few minutes later he woke up again and we repeated the cycle. This went on until about 630 am when he finally fell asleep for 2 hours and I was able to get some sleep, albeit I had to hold him the whole time.

I'm just wondering if this is just cluster feeding as a result of a 2 week growth spurt or if it could have been something else. So far this morning he hasn't really done it again but I can't take another night like that nor can my husband as he needs to be rested for his 12+ hr work day. Any advice or tips would be appreciated. TYIA.