So, I'm on the pill (progesterone only pill) and take it every single day without fail, and have experienced extremely light bleeding every couple of weeks for a few days which I am assuming is my period. However, over the last few days I have been getting waves of sickness that have been occurring throughout the day and night, I have not actually thrown up from it as of yet. I googled other pregnancy symptoms, (probably not my best idea) but I do seem to have others, such as ; raised body temperature as I keep getting really hot flushes (I'm 18 so it's not menopause), I've been very very emotional the past week, have been extremely tired (however, I am always tired in general). I wouldn't say I have had any food aversions in particular, however when I do get these waves of sickness I cannot bring myself to eat. I was just wondering whether this could be morning sickness and I could possibly be pregnant because I understand that the pill isn't 100% effective, but just wanted to see if I was just over reacting and being a hypochondriac. 
UPDATE: did a test and not pregnant.