maybe tmi but has this happened to anyone else?

So last night based on my last period I should be 8 weeks. Felt fine all day normal pregnancy symptoms and everything. Went on a trip out of town and came home. Went to the bathroom no blood in my underwater at all but while I was on the toilet I started gushing thin red blood... And by gushing I mean gushing like nothing that's ever happened before. Then I could feel clots coming out, about an inch thick  and some as big as my hand, and kinda felt meaty? it would Gush every couple of minutes stop then gush again. I called my so and told him to get pads and hurry home. Went to the ER hgc lvl was 4600 and they saw nothing on US. They said to follow up wth ob on my hgc LVls in a couple days to see if they are going up or down, and that I might not have miscarried I might have just ovulated late and that's why they didn't see anything on the Us and why my hgc LVls are lower than 8 weeks. They sent me home it was about midnight I went to sleep, by this morning I've completely stopped bleeding. I have had a mc before and it was absolutlely nothing like this. I never cramped not once the whole time either. Anyway I go see ob tomorrow and will know for sure but has anyone else ever experienced this? I read some other forums that discribed almost exactly the same thing happening and it wasn't a mc. But any input would be great.