Worst Pregnancy Day Ever

I feel like I have been sitting on my butt since I've had my mom's help. This morning, we got up, got dressed, and went to town. Seriously the plan was to pick up some thank you notes for the baby sprinkle, some random things, and some pants that were on clearance for my 3 year old who has suddenly outgrown every piece of clothing he has in a serious growth spurt. 
We walked the store. And I began to feel more and more tired. By the end, I could feel my privates aching. I desperately wanted to sit down. The idea made me furious. What was an hour in the store? I mean I usually do all of this alone with my toddler and no help! 
I searched the shelves for a few packs of thank you notes with no luck. I was near tears because I was so uncomfortable. This was stupid. I stood with my toddler while my mom continued to comb the shelves. 
But in the checkout, she turned to me and asked what was wrong. I'd begun to cold sweat. I felt as though I couldn't hold my body up. Like the baby and every inch of me was heavier than it was. I told her I thought I was going faint. She said I looked like I was gonna faint. I made it to a bench. I was furious. I thought I do not want to faint in the Walmart and end up in L&D. The baby was happily kicking, and I felt like an idiot. 
My brain felt foggy. I wasn't shaking or even having low blood sugar. I don't have gestational diabetes. My BP has been 110/64.  I just couldn't push forward any more. It's like I just couldn't go forward.  And it has me so frustrated. I have to go home where I won't have my mom with me. My husband works, and I'm a SAHM. 
I fell asleep when we got home. Lay on my side. And my leg locked in the worst leg cramp. I screamed. I had horrible leg cramps with my first born, but have only had two with this child. 
My mom said she's got my son and not to worry. But no more outings and I'm to rest. Mommy's order. I'm so frustrated. I was on bedrest with my first, but was told I could travel home this time. 
I don't like feeling lazy. It was a stupid trip to Walmart. I mean really...I've layed here and cried. I have a huge weekend ahead. My husband and I are interviewing with a new posting Friday. My shower is Saturday. And church on Sunday. Not to mention my boys godmother and my mother in law are coming in for the shower. 
My MIL already sees me as weak and not good enough. I cannot end up in L&D or on bedrest. It will be blood in the water. 
Not to mention, I'm two states away from my doctor and my home hospital. I don't want to be stuck here. 
I'm so discouraged. It's bad enough my balance is off with this belly, but to feel like I can't hold myself up or walk for an hour. 🙄🙄🙄