Toxic relationship with older brother

My older brother and I have always had somewhat of a bad relationship. We both still live at home, him 23 and me 20. My boyfriend also lives with us as I'm currently 20wks pregnant. Just now we were downstairs talking about chemistry, because he is taking a few college courses at our local community college. And he was saying how hard it was and what not and I asked him what he was doing in it, like the sub subjects they are learning about and I told him I did that in high school and it's fairly easy if you study, he goes on and gets defensive saying that I wouldn't have a chance in college Chem cause I'm a 20 year old pregnant dropout (I dropped out of college when I found out I was pregnant) and that I was a low life. I work for a mortgage company 40 hours a week and my boyfriend is also a banker. I just learned to be okay with my situation and someone or something always comes along to knock me down. I can't help but think that I fucked up.