UPDATE to Short time but feels longer

Hey ladies. I recently posted about my love at first sight moment with my boyfriend. I only recently told my mom about him. I'm 20 years old for reference.

A little about me- I come from a pretty "Caucasian family" if that makes sense. Graduate HS, graduate college, get a good job, find a mate, marry, have children, retire, die. Anything outside of that isn't right. I'm a nerdy girl who's studying computer science and mathematics with a minor in physics.

A little about him- 31, from Bronx, just graduated HS, has 2 kids, got laid off as a construction worker, has tattoos all over (including teardrops but it isn't what you're thinking it means!)

Anyway, just told my mom I was seeing someone. She asked questions. She doesn't like my answers. Like... really doesn't. She's worried for my safety but I can promise you he treats me better than anyone.

Am I messing up? Help!!!!