39 weeks- 2nd time moms

T. F. • For I know the plans I have you, declares the lord, plans to prosper you, not harm you, plans to give you hope &a future
I have tried to not get my hopes up that this baby would come early but I really really thought she would be here before my due date. I've been walking every day for the last 2 weeks, squats, sex, had a membrane sweep yesterday. I'm dilated to a 2 and cervix is thinned and soft. But today I have completely hit a depression of feeling like she is not going to come on her own and I will have to be induced. My first daughter came on her due date so I figured this baby would just be early! I feel like I'm constantly on the look out for labor and it is just exhausting. My first daughter, I didn't know what to expect and my doctor told me she wouldn't be early so I wasn't constantly waiting around for her to come. 
I hate having all of this anxiety waiting for this baby to just come already!