pumping question

About about to head back to work and I've been stressing about pumping bc I don't really do it much. I have managed to build a supply of about 30 oz in the freezer. Baby started half days for the rest of the week to get us all accustomed to it all... anyway, usually I pump after the ten am feeding and can get around two ounces. Today I pumped in place of the ten am feeding altogether bc my baby was at daycare... and I only got two ounces!!! I've felt like my supply has been low the past couple days (probably bc I've been anxious about it all) anyway. I sent baby with three ounces for daycare and since I only got two... do I send him with three ounces tomorrow using an ounce from my stash? I had him weighed recently at the LCs office and he took almost five ounces... tips? Advice?