Food Aversions

Girlie • I am here to give you any advice you may want or need that I am capable of giving 💕 no judgement here love
So I'm having food aversions to junk food and sugar. I can't eat candy or chips unless I force myself too, I can only have a little before I feel like vomiting. I tried to eat a mini size bag of chips and a couple in and I didn't want it anymore but forced myself to finish it. I had a donut this morning but barely had a couple bites before not wanting it. I tried having candy like a sugary gum that I usually love to eat and I couldn't take it and completely rejected it. I'm not sure if I'm pregnant although it's possible (i haven't checked) but it would make sense cause my boyfriend doesn't eat junk food like at all really but it was weird cause I ate a couple bites of a banana and some bread and it wasn't rotten but I felt this awful feeling of rejection in my stomach like I was gonna hurl... does anyone think I'm pregnant and these are food aversions or what could be causing this?