Father Issues

Hi! I'm a bit new to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and I've never made posts before or shared part of my life, but I've been having problems with my father lately. He is completely against the idea of me being with my boyfriend. :( It has been extremely difficult for me to spend time with my bf because my dad is always preventing me from seeing him outside of school hours. He won't let me leave the house because he doesn't trust me. He continuously assumes that I have sex with my bf, (He keeps telling me a story about how when he was my age, he had a girlfriend but found out that she lost her virginity to someone else and he was completely heart brokened. And now he want me to be the ideal girlfriend for a man just as he was when he was a high schooler :\) I feel trapped living with my father, we don't have the same viewpoints on morals or on life and it feels like he just doesn't respect my thoughts. I should be able to believe in what I think is right and wrong, he tries to force his beliefs on me and it's hard to breathe. I know that he wants what's best for me but I keep regretting sharing my social life with him. Ever since I told him about my boyfriend, he completely switched from being a wisdom sharing fatherly figure into an overprotecting dad who won't let me out on afternoons to exercise or walk. I feel depressed and too often suicidal, there were too many times where he made me feel as if I was a failure to the family. Is it because of our culture? Is it because my family is Vietnamese and my father tends to be strict on dating and boyfriends? I believe that its just him. I feel as though as if my father doesn't like how I listen to my boyfriend more instead of him. My fathers view on life completely differ from mines and we argue about it constantly. Me and my bf share the same ideas on life like gender equality and how people treat others fairly. We just click and I love the both of them a lot. 
How I use my body should be my decision, I hate the idea of my dad trying to control how I use my body or what I do with it. I shouldn't be afraid to tell my father about my sex life, but his threats on me losing my virginity scares me. It just feels like he can't accept me for who I am. I try to love myself but my father breaks me down emotionally. I want to be able to share my thoughts with my father without getting beaten down with his words. I hate myself every time I'm near him. I wish that I didn't tell him about my bf, my bf has been supportive the entire time. Is there any way to help with my situation?