Orgasms.... what is normal

Hey ladies! First time posting here because I figured you lovely ladies were better to ask then trying to google something like this and getting silly answers
Basically I would just like to know what's normal for you when it comes to having an orgasm, more specifically what is a normal amount of times for you to have an orgasm when your doing the deed with your partner 
I unfortunately don't get to have very intense orgasms as I was very sick as a child and it has followed me into adulthood (and yes, it targets my vagina specifically, I have the worst luck) but they are still amazing and I tend to have them almost every time and often twice if I'm lucky
I'm not sure if this is normal or not because my body operates a little differently to the norm so who knows, I may not even be having an orgasm and this is just my body being weird as always haha 
Random and weird question but I thought there would be no better place to ask!!