should I say something?

beeee • Daisie Annalise born on her due date 12.03.17 at 9:26 21 inches 8lbs 9oz💕
My boyfriends ex is so mad at me for being with him, so she put up one of those middle school things where they ask you a million questions about their love life & she answered everything that was about love with my boyfriends name, including that she wish she could take him from me. I just got my BFP like 4 days ago & I'm trying to stay calm but I really want to be like why would you say that? She was so mad when we got together and I didn't try to upset her and that's what she's doing to me. Should I say something or continue keeping my mouth shut? (Ps this isn't the first time she's done petty shit to piss me off) 😭🙄