Should I go to the hospital?

Hi! So, this is going to be kind of long. My boyfriend of 2 1/2 years broke up with me three weeks ago, and all that stress plus other life events has put my body through the ringer, emotionally and physically. I'd been throwing up constantly, going days without eating, and I finally went to the doctor yesterday. After I fainted getting my blood drawn (which was new and fun!), she told me I have gastritis, and likely, a stomach ulcer. Which mostly explains why I started coughing up small amounts of blood this morning. There's also a ridiculously low level of B12 in my blood, which mostly explains why my hair has been falling out and why I've been so easily fatigued physically. She put me on an antibiotic for my ears and another medicine that's supposed to reduce the acid in my stomach. 
Now, on top of all of that, I've managed to contract the early stages of the flu. My best friend has been sick for a few days and today she was diagnosed with the flu, and she tells me what I'm feeling now is exactly how she was a few days ago. I know my body isn't strong enough to fight this off, and I'm a little scared. Would the hospital be able to help me, or am I just better off sitting this one out at home and hoping I get better?