Doubting myself big time

Anyone else out there doubting your ability to be a good mom/parent? I felt really confident for a long time and now I read these articles about sleep training and food schedules and it makes me feel so far behind! My daughter is 9 weeks old and eats 3-4 oz every 3 hours, we play and then she naps. She usually goes to bed around 7-730 has a midnight bottle and then a 3-4 am bottle. But so many articles I read say that she has to have a firm clock schedule for daytime and that I'm spoiling/ruining her future sleep patterns if she falls asleep while I give her a bottle instead of letting her self soothe to sleep. I mean I'm not going to wake my infant daughter up just so she can self soothe to sleep. Am I alone in feeling like a bad or inadequate mother because I'm not going by these articles word for word?