positive Vibes

Courtney • Mom to 3 angels 💗💙💛 pregnant with my 🌈🥰 dog momma 🐾
I know there are SO many women on here who have been TTC way longer then I have , but in this process I want to try to be more positive. 
When seeing others post about being pregnant I won't lie. It hurts my heart. Most don't even try for this miracle, but they receive it. I get jealous and depressed. 
I don't want to feel this way but I do!
So, I like their post and hide them from my time line.. seems silly right? But I also pray when I do this. I pray for them and myself. That one day I will have this amazing outcome. 
My husband is possibly swearing in for the United Sates Air Force soon so there will be a 6 month period where I can't be TTC. 
So instead of being sad I'm looking at it as 6 months where I'm not crying when I get my period. 6 months where I'm not worrying about ovulation. Then when he gets back I don't wanna go right back to freaking out over it. I'm going to enjoy his company again. Being TTC for almost a year has taken a tole on our hearts ( we are 22,21) So we need to enjoy each other once again. 
This was a long post and whoever stuck around to read a little about me thank you. 
And just know I pray for each of you everyday.