2 month vaccines..

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

How did you all do?

I went in thinking we'd do fine bc she had at least a dozen heel pricks during her first month.. but apparently the shots hurt a lot more. I've never heard a more heart wrenching cry in my life and I've taken care of at least 30 babies since I started working in childcare. But holy hell, rip my heart out and stomp on it and it'd be less painful than hearing my daughter cry like that.

I was fine at the dr office, and the nurses all commented on how well I did especially for a ftm.. but now we're home (and she's sleeping and totally fine) and I'm literally sobbing bc I can't get that cry out of my head. 😭💔