
So I'm really just venting for myself but if anyone comments, that's cool too. So I quit my job because the people were so awful. One guy made fun of me because I lost my mom to cancer, this group of girls made fun of my looks and my weight. I was constantly told I wasn't good at my job and basically told to go do the grunt work, such as taking out trash or cleaning useless things.  All this shit happened daily and one day I said no more and quit on the spot. Now I know that probably wasn't he greatest idea but it was giving me such anxiety and panic attacks that I was making myself sick, freaks me out even thinking about going back to visit that place. I live in Florida and haven't been able to find a decent job to save my life. I apply all day everyday, my resume is decent, I'm young so I don't have a ton of experience. All the emails I get back say that they found a better candidate or it's required I speak Spanish, which I don't. It is so depressing getting told no all the time. I can't deal with life anymore. I want to give up. My loving boyfriend is understanding and helps me apply for places but still no luck. Anywhoo I guess I'm done now